We make every effort to accurately represent our products and programs. All personal development, health, happiness, and success statements made by DrMcayla.com, also referred toas“we,” “us” or “our” and its advertisers/sponsors are estimates only of what we believe your ability to achieve the results suggested herein.
Acting on information provided on the Site, or purchasing any of our products/services offered, does not guarantee the same results for each individual. Our Site, and products/programs/services offered are not designed tobean overnight transformation. We have no way of knowing how well you will doas any potential success will be influenced by a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to the following: your background, participation, mental health and overall dedication to the program/product/service, or general work ethic. Consequently, we cannot guarantee any personal development success or projected outcome. We are not responsible for any actions you may take as a result of our programs, products, services or information found on the Site. By virtue of this disclaimer being presented to you here you are agreeing to waive any responsibility to your personal development outcome as it relates to Dr Mcayla’s programs, products, and services.
While we do suggest personal development outcomes, these statements are in no way a guarantee or promise of what you may actually achieve. Any statements, or examples provided on our Site are only examples and estimates of what we feel you could achieve based on true success stories of what others have accomplished using our products/programs/services and are in no way a guarantee or promise of what you may actually achieve.
Please be aware that all the information contained on the Site or shared via any medium (including, but not limited to, video, one-on-one support, digital products, emails, blog posts, comments, etc.) does not at any time replace therapeutic services in the medical and mental health fields. Your consumption of material on this Site, and any actions you choose to undertake as a result, are of your own volition. We and our affiliates accept no responsibility whatsoever for any injury, illness, or other outcome that may result from your actions.